Always great to work with a true pro. Sure hope we can do more work together in the future.
- Dick Vermeil, Former Head Coach
Philadelphia Eagles

Thank you for the inspiring video.
- Robert Reich, Former Secretary of Labor

You made me look good, and helped me make my clients look good. It doesn’t get any better than that.
- Thomas Johnson, Former Director, Communications Programs

You are a true talent. You work with all levels of management and staff - with flexibility, good humor, professionalism. You extract the essence of voluminous material and strike the right chord, evoking the intended response…I am impressed by your outstanding writing, and your on-time on-budget management of any project. You are probably the best in the business.
- Tobey Gordon Dichter, Former VP, Communications and Public Affairs
SmithKline Beecham Healthcare Services (GlaxoSmithKline)

The Drug Screen Urine Collection training video you wrote and produced for us at Quest Diagnostics was fabulous. A terrific tool for teaching our collectors. Great job!
- Cathy Garroni
Quest Diagnostics

You listened closely to the message we wanted to convey and responded with a creative, high-impact film distinguished by compelling storytelling that was absolutely on target for our needs. We were very pleased, both with our interactions and with the final product.
- Frank Hoke, Director of Public Relations
The Wistar Institute

For Temple Lifelines: Ending Pain Without Surgery …we had more than 700 calls and over 150 appointments for consults. Fabulous results! Congratulations on a great job!
- JoAnn Sager, Marketing Manager
Temple University Health System

We had a GREAT response to the Temple Lifelines show last night. Got over 100 calls just at the call center (not including the ones that went to the backup call center in Texas because all the lines were busy.) It was non-stop phone calls, all the docs were on the phone until almost 9:00, and many appointments were made. Needless to say, they were thrilled!
- JoAnn Sager, Marketing Manager
- Temple University Health System

Thank you for your work, prodding, encouragement, and professionalism in putting together the Temple Lifelines program Weight Loss Surgery…I have received many comments from patients, staff and physicians, praising this presentation. It was balanced, fair, and drew the viewer into the story. We have had many new patients come to see us as a result.
I'd like to personally thank you also for your compassion and professional approach to those of us who are really quite nervous in front of the camera, putting us at ease.
- John Meilahn, M.D., Director, Bariatric Surgery
-Temple University Hospital

As of this morning I have lost 99 lbs. Being involved in the TV program was such a wonderful experience. I would do it all again in a heartbeat.
- Marie Mehluish (weight loss patient featured in Temple Lifelines: Weight Loss Surgery)

We love the way you made what could have been a dull documentary into a rich recounting of the clinical chemistry field’s opportunities. This turned out to be more than “just” a career videotape: it affirms the work clinical chemists do. This happened because of the attention you paid to accurate detail – and to art. We recommend your work without reservation.
- Joanne Glenn, Manager, Education Programs
- American Association for Clinical Chemistry

Thank you for the vision you brought to this project. The way you told Carelift’s story was interesting and visually compelling. We received nothing but rave reviews from people who attended the dinner.
- Linda and Jeffrey Gloss, Founders
- Carelift International

Our evening was capped by your terrific video, which received a wonderful reception. It was such a success we plan to show it at the Alumni Banquet. Thank you for your time, devotion, creativity and can-do spirit. You accomplished everything we set out to do.
- Diane Bass, Special Events Director
- William Penn Charter School