Who We Are
Carol M. Rosenbaum - an award-winning media specialist with 30 years’ experience as a documentary writer/producer and TV journalist.
Carol heads a media communications company known for creating compelling documentaries and training programs - from script to screen - for television, corporations, government, and personal injury/medical malpractice law firms. Her work is consistently strong, imaginative and emotional. She tells riveting stories. Makes complex ideas simple and clear. Focuses with great sensitivity on the humanity of her subjects. Draws out their deepest feelings.
Her incisive writing and dynamic style have won two mid-Atlantic Emmys, two Emmy nominations, ten national first-place awards, and the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award for best television news series.
Carol's high-impact programs are proven successes for clients such as CBS3-TV, WTVD-TV (Durham, NC), GlaxoSmithKline, Quest Diagnostics, the American Bar Association, many plaintiffs' attorneys, Ernst & Young, LLP and The Wistar Institute.
Her education (A.B. Smith College, M.A. University of Pennsylvania, graduate Film Production, UCLA) - her interview style - her corporate, legal and TV documentary production make her a unique talent.
Creative, compelling programs. Solutions that work.

What we provide
- Complete script to screen digital video production
- Documentary scriptwriting
- Professional media writing

Our expertise
- Healthcare and Medicine
- Pharmaceuticals
- Law
- Education and Public Service
- The Arts